Shalach Manot / Purim Basket Fundraiser Campaign Module Software Request A Free Live Demo
« Back to Compare PageWe know how important your fundraising activities are in your Synagogue. ShulCloud provides an easy to set up campaign management system that let's you configure your campaign based fundraisers and let your members easily participate.
Set up the rules for your campaign, such as a Purim Basket fundraising effort and email blast your members about it. Then let your members pick who they want the Purim Basket, Shavous flowers, etc to go to and collect money for each basket sent.
Not only is it a great way to keep track of your campaigns, you can easily raise money for the shul.
It is fully integrated with the member database and billing system. Members login, select who they want to send the gifts to, the price is calculated and billed to the member who can then pay online or pay later.
You can then download billing lists and gift lists to send out later.
For more information on this module, feel free to contact us.